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Ultimate HGH
How Would You Like to Look and Feel Ten Years Younger in Ten Weeks?

The scientifically advanced, clinically proven nutritional supp lement

Lose weight using natural ingredients and no stimulants! It starts working immediately to increase the amount of fat your body burns, curbs your appetite and increases your metabolism.
Developed by a team of doctors with 20 years experience specializing in weight loss and nutrition Pentabosol™ can work for anyone regardless of age or weight! Simply mix with water and take once in the morning and once at night!

What do I get?
• 1 month supply of Pentabosol or
• 2 month supply of Pentabosol
• 30 day money back guarantee

• Speeds weight loss
• Reduces appetite
• Doctor-developed
• Stimulant-free, natural ingredients
• Clinically tested & proven to increase weight loss by 71% over diet or exercise alone

Pentabosol™ is a proprietary blend containing specific synergistic ratios of the active ingredients carnitine, hydroxycitric acid, chromium, aspartic acid, and biotin in a pleasant tasting, convenient powder to be taken twice daily on an empty stomach, preferably on first arising and just before retiring. The synergistic actions of these safe and natural nutrient ingredients increase the rate of fat loss while dieting both by enhancing the delivery of fat to the mitochondria for burning and by uncoupling the oxidative-phosphorylative pathway by several mechanisms.

I've been using Pentabosol™ for three months, and have lost close to 50 lbs. I weighed approximately 230 – 240 lbs. before I started; I now weigh 187 lbs. Thanks Pentabosol™! I never thought being thin was possible until I found your amazing product.
Sean Rogers

I have been on the Pentabosol™ diet for a very short time and already have seen a noticeable difference in my eating habits! I feel great and am starting to look great! I never made a better choice than starting on the Pentabosol™ Diet!

What is the recommended dosage?
Mix 5.3g of powder with 8 ounces of water in the morning and night.

How long should I take Pentabosol™?
We'd recommend that you continue your twice a day dose of Pentabosol™ until you've reached your desired weight and/or body fat goals. After that time you may quit taking the product. Many people opt to continue taking the product occasionally or at bedtime only to encourage greater fat burning during sleep. (Because Pentabosol™ also helps to promote healthier blood cholesterol level, many people continue taking it in the night for that reason.) For some people, reaching their body fat goal will be a matter of a few weeks or months. For others, it may be a number of months or even a year. It just depends on how much fat you have to lose to reach your ideal.

Will it hurt me to continue to take Pentabosol™ after I've reached my goal?
No, certainly not. And it can be especially useful to help you recover from holidays, vacations and other extended falls from the sound diet wagon.

Why don't I feel as hungry when I take Pentabosol™?
One action of Pentabosol™ appears to be an increase in your liver's production and storage of glycogen (the storage form of glucose or blood sugar). As the liver's storage tank fills up, that sends a signal that you're well fed and full, turning off your appetite. While it's grand not to feel hungry, when you're used to being hungry on a most diets, this effect is a bit of a double edged sword; despite your lack of hunger, you really must make an effort to eat all the protein and other nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Even though you're not as hungry, don't skimp on your protein intake—be sure to eat your required daily portions of meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy or soy along with plenty of good low-starch, sugar, vegetables and fruits. Lack of incoming protein gives a starvation signal to your body, slowing your metabolism down and sometimes stalling your weight loss progress.

Are there any side effects of taking Pentabosol™?
None were reported during the clinical trial, no serious side effects are currently known and none would be expected. Pentabosol™ is a proprietary blend of safe, natural ingredients, all of which individually have been used for many years with no known unpleasant or dangerous side effects. The secret to the power of this powder is that the combined effect of the specific amounts of these ingredients is more powerful than the effect of any of the individual ingredients alone to influence fat burning. Pentabosol™ contains no stimulants of any kind, so the jittery, shaky feeling, racing heart, and increased blood pressure that accompany some weight loss products aren't a problem.
A very few people have reported a slight degree of gaseousness and bloating or mild fluid retention (even causing mild weight gain) in the first few days on Pentabosol™. In most cases these minor symptoms resolve by cutting the dose to half a scoop twice a day and taking it with food instead of on an empty stomach for the first week, then increasing to the full scoop twice a day.

Why can't I simply purchase the individual ingredients and make my own "homemade" version of Pentabosol™?
Certainly, you could do this if you took the individual ingredients in the proper ratios, however, we used this method ourselves when we first developed the product to make our first tests on it. And we can assure you that Pentabosol™ offers you two distinct advantages over any homemade version. First, you'd have to take a rather large handful of pills twice a day to get the correct amounts of these nutrients individually; we think a single scoop of pleasant tasting powder is far superior. And secondly, the cost of purchasing these nutrients becomes prohibitive. We've worked diligently with our formulating manufacturer to get the cost of this combined product at its rock bottom level. Cobbling together your own version of Pentabosol™ from the health food store—even at cut-rate prices—would triple or even quadruple your cost of the product.

Can I take Pentabosol™ if I have a medical condition, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, diabetes or heart disease?
Although Pentabosol™ appears to be safe and has not been shown to adversely affect any of these conditions, if you are under the care of a physician for any of these problems and taking medication to control the disorder, it's always wise to speak with your physician before taking any new supplement or medication or even before beginning a new diet or exercise program in case your medication doses have to be adjusted. It is unwise and unsafe to attempt to adjust medications on your own.

Is Pentabosol™ safe for pregnant women or nursing mothers?
Studies have not been done to address the safety of Pentabosol™ in these two groups or to determine whether Pentabosol™ appears in human breast milk. For these reasons, we do not recommend that women take the product during these times. That said, after delivery in women who elect not to breast-feed or after weaning in those who do, Pentabosol™ is of great help in losing the baby weight.

I am a diabetic. Will Pentabosol™ interfere with my sugar levels?
A few customers have reported that their morning sugar levels go up initially, but after a week or so on Pentabosol™, they come back down to their "normal" levels. In fact some diabetics are reporting that their sugar levels are dropping as they continue the product. It's important to let your doctor know you are taking Pentabosol™ and to monitor your blood sugar regularly (especially your morning and before dinner levels) to help your doctor adjust your medications.

I am getting acid reflux when I take Pentabosol™. What should I do?
If you are on some form of medication for acid indigestion, take your reflux medication about a half hour before taking your Pentabosol™. It may also help to dilute the Pentabosol™ in more water than the 6 to 8 ounces recommended or to take it with meals instead of on an empty stomach.

I've been taking Pentabosol™ for 2-3 weeks now and haven't lost any weight.
First, if you aren't following a sound low-carb diet, you should begin one—begin by reducing the amount of bread, cereal grains, potatoes, sugars and other starchy foods in your diet. If you are on a low-carb regimen, take a look at the amounts of calorie dense foods you're eating, especially cream, cheese, nuts, and nut butters. You have to create some sort of calorie deficit to lose weight effectively—even if you boost fat burning with Pentabosol™ and you're eating tremendous amounts of calories, you're just treading water and getting nowhere. Simply becoming more mindful of food choices—eating good quality proteins, fresh low-starch and low-sugar fruits and veggies may be all it takes.

What if I've been on a low fat, high carbohydrate diet. Must I follow a low-carbohydrate diet for Pentabosol™ to work?
No, but you miss some of the awesome power of Pentabosol™ it you don't. You must remember that Pentabosol™ works by increasing the amount of fat that you must burn to produce a given amount of energy. When you follow a high carbohydrate diet—loading up on such starchy foods as bagels, pasta, potatoes, rice, bread or such sugary foods as sodas and desserts—for several hours after you eat, your blood contains all the sugar in these foods. And remember that starchy foods are just another form of sugar. They're really just "sugar in disguise", since the body turns the starch to sugar in the digestive process. And when your blood sugar is high, your body burns it as fuel, not your stored body fat. If your body isn't burning fat, Pentabosol™ obviously can't do much to boost a process that isn't even going on. However, even if you're eating a high carbohydrate diet during the day, your blood sugar falls during the night when you're not eating and, at that time, your body turns to the fat stores for energy. A dose of Pentabosol™ taken at bedtime should improve the fat burning that occurs during the 8 or 9 hours you go without food between dinner and breakfast—in effect, helping you lose more fat while you sleep. If you choose to eat a high carbohydrate diet, you must recognize that, while Pentabosol™ will boost fat loss to some degree, you will not get the maximal benefit from it that you would eating a lower-carbohydrate, protein-rich diet. The choice is yours, but why not opt for a healthier, more powerful diet and use the protein-rich, low-carbohydrate approach to get the biggest fat loss bang for your buck.

I've been taking Pentabosol™ for a couple of days and I've broken out in a rash.
It's always possible for an individual to be or become allergic to any medication, supplement, or ingredient in a product—even natural products and food substances. If the rash is associated with breathing difficulties, swelling of the lips or tongue, or hives, stop Pentabosol™ immediately and see your physician. The development of an allergic rash should always prompt a search for new substances in the diet or environment, so it's possible that it's the Pentabosol™ and possible that it's not—it's very difficult to pinpoint the cause of an allergy. A careful second trial of the product under the supervision of your physician is usually in order to help determine if it caused the rash. If you have a known allergy or sensitivity to any ingredient listed on the label, you should not take Pentabosol™.

Will Pentabosol™ interfere with prescription medications I may be taking?
Currently, no medications have been identified that interact adversely with Pentabosol™. The product contains no stimulants and therefore it should not raise blood pressure or heart rate or interfere with blood pressure or heart medications.

What if I "blow" my low carb diet? Should I still take Pentabosol™ and will it work?
Although we'd all like to believe that once we've adopted a nutritional strategy, we'll stick with it unfailingly, the reality is that almost all of us fall off the wagon once in a while. In fact, it's not so bad to do that from time to time, just to preserve your emotional balance. Since Pentabosol™ works best if blood sugar and blood insulin are low—as they'll be on a lower carbohydrate diet—you won't get the maximal power of the product if you've strayed too far from your low carbohydrate ideal. However, you must remember that an overnight fast (no food coming in after dinner) will go a long way toward restoring your metabolic balance. If for a special occasion—and we encourage you to try to make all your falls off the wagon meaningful ones—you've eaten more carbs than you'd intended, go right ahead and take your evening dose of Pentabosol™ on an empty stomach before bed, certain in the knowledge that your elevated blood sugar and insulin will fall during the night and you should be back on the fat burning track by morning—not too much worse for the wear, and perhaps a little wiser.

I'm a runner following a low carb diet. Will Pentabosol™ give me a performance edge?
When you become adapted to a lower carbohydrate intake and your body fuels its energy needs with fat, it would make sense that being able to shove fat into the furnace faster would help you along. But to enhance performance—if you're really in shape and not overly fat—you may need to actually eat a fair amount more good quality (healthy) fat than most of us. Fat has become your primary fuel source for energy while exercising and if your body fat isn't elevated, you may find that you "run out of gas" on this product. Just remember that on a low carbohydrate diet, the "gas" you're running on is dietary fat and body fat. With that in mind, you'll want to follow the lead of the triathlete training camps and fat load before endurance events—guacamole, olives, cheeses, meats. You may even want to eat some fat during the event. A good source, easily portable for the athlete, is macadamia nuts, a source with plenty of fat calories to sustain you, and not many carbs to get in the way of effective fat burning. That way, you can get a boost from Pentabosol.

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